Kicking Off "Sound Bite" Vlog with Featured Guest Evelyn Tribole, MS, RD

I am excited to announce that I am finally kicking off a new video series called "Sound Bite: Straight Up Info from People in the Know. " On my first go, I interviewed Evelyn Tribole, author of Intuitive Eating, on the topic of gluten. Given that there is so much misinformation and misunderstanding about gluten, I thought some straight up information from a highly respected registered dietitian would be helpful! I have yet to find some time to learn to edit videos, so instead of sitting on this, I thought I would post it and let the perfection piece go. Thank you to Evelyn for your time, good humor, and being kind about the arrow on your nose!

Sound Bite: The Essential 411 on Gluten with Eveyln Tribole, MS, RD from Bridget Whitlow, LMFT on Vimeo.


Bridget Whitlow